
                                              Artiste  proudly presents a new suite of tools called  StoryTeller . The purpose of  StoryTeller  is to offer  dance newbies  a chance to more easily emulate features that affect  object-behavior ,  object-appearance,  and  object-avatar interaction  as performed by seasoned choreographers without having to: 1 - ask advanced choreographers for help, or  2 - find an existing script on Marketplace, or  3 - find a friend who scripts to create a specific script for you, or  4 - get someone to modify an existing script for you. It is one stop-shopping.  Multiple features in one place. Learn one syntax. One channel. Here is a link to a 17-minute abbreviated demo video overview of most of the features:  StoryTeller Demo Video OR What you get ...
  FadeHide and FadeShow - Palette -  Format:   Palette name or  abbrev % command % ALL  or  ONE  or  link number % fadetimeoverride ALL  = all links ONE  = the root prim or the (non-root) link the palette scripts are in ( strongly NOT suggested) link number  = 1 thru 256.  Zero (0) allowed if only 1 link, which is same as  ONE The default fade times are specified in the  *palettes nc  are called: FadeToHideTime,5 FadeToShowTime,5 Examples: 02_A%FadeHide%ALL%3 02_A%FadeShow%ONE%2 If the last parameter ( fadetimeoverride ) is missing then the default  FadeTo  or last override time is used *********** Other factors involved: *palette notecard FadeToHideTime,5 FadeToShowTime,5 InitialShowHide,(Show/Hide) MinAlpha,0  ***  0      = invisible Alpha,1000  *** 1000 = opaque 980 is used for silhouettes

Palette Overview

 An ArtistePalette is a set of notecards and scripts .  You can place/copy them into any modifiable object.  By changing the notecards , you can control what features the Palette is capable of performing upon receiving one or more commands. There are a lot of commands that you can send to a Palette to tell it to do different things.  You can send commands to it in various ways: 1) Thru its own Palette menu 2) The Artiste Performance HUD via the  *autofx notecard 3)  The Artiste Performance HUD embedded in a *sequence   notecard 4) The Artiste SmartDancer via the *sequence(1-9) nc Chat command 5) Remotely via other vendors chat commands 6) From another Palette via an Action specified in a *moves notecard 7) Channel 66 in local from its owner. 8) Thru the Palette Trainer . Notecards: *moves *palette *specialfx *utility *thrower ( optional ) Retired *couples *chorus *experience Scripts: Artiste Assets Artiste Fader Artiste Mover Artiste MovesLoader ...